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API Authentication

SeaSearch uses HTTP Basic Auth for authentication. API requests must include the corresponding basic auth token in the header.

To generate a basic auth token, combine the username and password with a colon (e.g., aladdin:opensesame), and then base64 encode the resulting string (e.g., YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l).

You can generate a token using the following command, for example with aladdin:opensesame:

echo -n 'aladdin:opensesame' | base64


Basic auth is not secure. If you need to access SeaSearch over the public internet, it is strongly recommended to enable HTTPS.

"Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU2Nzg="

Regular Users

You can create/update users via the API:

[POST] /api/user
    "_id": "prabhat",
    "name": "Prabhat Sharma",
    "role": "admin", // or user
    "password": "Complexpass#123"
To get all users:
[GET] /api/user
To delete a user:
[DELETE] /api/user/${userId}